The Lonely Hearts Book Club by Lucy Gilmore Book Review – Spoiler Free

Book Title: The Lonely Hearts Book Club

Author: Lucy Gilmore 

Date of Publication: March 28, 2023
Genres: Fiction, Contemporary, Books about books, Romance, Literary Fiction, Adult Fiction, Family

Rating: ★★★★

This review is spoiler free.


Hey there, bookworms! Buckle up because I’ve got a wild ride to share with you about “The Lonely Hearts Book Club” by Lucy Gilmore.

So, full disclosure: I took this literary journey at double speed. Yep, I know, it sounds crazy, but after years of practice, I’ve mastered the art of turbo-listening. Fair warning, don’t try this at home unless you’re ready for a linguistic rollercoaster!


Reading Progress: 5%

“When was the last time you cared about something so much you couldn’t  eat?” he demanded. “Or sleep? When have you ever felt the fire of life burn so bright that it hurts? When did you ever bother to fight for something you loved?”


“And what am I?”

“An echo with no one to call her own,” Arthure announced without preamble. Clearly, this was a subject he had given some thought to.” A friendly facade. An empty smile. A Scared litte girl without an opinion of your own, latching on to other people s bigger and brighter lives because you are not willing to fully live your own.”

Now, let’s dive into this spoiler-free (well ok, mostly) review of “The Lonely Hearts Book Club.”


Picture this: a motley crew of misfits accidentally stumble into a book club, led by the grumpiest geezer in town. We’ve got a librarian, a single mom, a reluctant relative, a coworker, and a surprise guest joining the party. And what ties this oddball bunch together? Well, it’s right there in the title, folks.

Reading Progress: 52%

I have never been called God’s pestilent uvula before, but it was a phrase I intended to throw in at every dinner party I attended for the rest of my natural-born life.

Now, let me cut to the chase: this book? It’s a solid 5-star read in my book (pun intended, of course).

You see, earning five stars from me is no small feat. It’s not because I’m some highfalutin literary snob (cue sipping water with pinky out), but because a story has to really tug at my heartstrings to earn that last star. And oh boy, “The Lonely Hearts Book Club” didn’t just tug—it yanked, pulled, and practically wrenched my heart in every direction.

Reading Progress: 64%

“… Some men get like that, you know, when they lose the person they love most. I get their calls a lot. They have all these jumnled-up emotions —anger and grief and deep, overwhelming despair —but the one person they trusted with those emotions is gone. It’s the saddest thing. What are you supposed to do with your heart when it’s already been buried six feet deep?”

Style-wise? Honestly, as long as a book makes me feel something, I’m all in. And let me tell you, this one had me laughing, crying, cringing, and nodding along like a bobblehead on caffeine—all within the span of two days.

Reading Progress: 68%

“You had just told one of the new hires that her view on Kieregaard rivaled that of a toddler finding his toes for the first time.”

Even when I wanted to throttle our resident grump, the author’s masterful storytelling kept me hooked. And don’t get me started on the multiple points of view. Usually, I’m not a fan, but here? Seamless. Each character felt like an old friend, and I was fully invested in their journey.

And life (or as some people call it, reality) dared to interrupt my reading time. Can you believe it? Yet, even when I wasn’t nose-deep in the book, it lingered in my thoughts, teasing my brain like a persistent earworm.

Sure, the plot may seem predictable on paper, but trust me, it’s not about the destination—it’s the wild, unpredictable ride that counts. And let me tell you, “The Lonely Hearts Book Club” took me on one heck of a ride.

Reading Progress: 77%

Life stories were written in ink, not pencil. Once they were down, the only thing you could do was to turn the page.

So, if you’re on the fence about what to read next, do yourself a favor and add this gem to your TBR pile. Just a heads-up, though: if sarcasm and snappy comebacks aren’t your cup of tea, you might want to pass. But for everyone else? Get ready for an emotional rollercoaster like no other.

One last thing, kindly share in the comments if you have read this title and your thoughts about it. If have not read yet, are you planing on picking it up?

Until next time, stay safe and keep those pages turning!


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